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How to add Locations/Networks

Release Time
1944 times
Xcitium Secure Web Gateway

Environment : Xcitium Dome Secure Web Gateway 

Summary : In order to enforce web protection policies , your endpoint and network traffic has to be routed through  Xcitium Dome.  After connecting your network(s), make sure to add them as a 'Trusted Network '  in the location interface so that your traffic will be allowed and inspected by Dome SWG

This video explains how to add your location to Dome Secure Web Gateway.


- It is assumed that you have already C1 account 

- It is assumed that you have already Dome SWG instance in your C1 portal 

Configuration Steps

Step 1 :  Connecting Dome SWG Portal 

i.  Login to C1 portal from 

ii.  Go to Application --> cDome Standard 

iii.  Cdome Standard (SWG) portal will be opened on another tab

Step 2 : Adding Trusted Network 

i. Go to Configuration --> Locations 

ii. Click on "Add Location " 

iii. Fill required fields 

    Name : Enter an appropriate name for the location.

    Remark :Enter comments, if any, about the location.

    Addressing:Enter the public IP address of the network or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of  network

   End user authentication method – The method used for authenticating end users. The options available  are Dome Authentication, Local Authentication Proxy Chain and Local Authentication ICAP. Select the method appropriate to your network. Please note that if you enable user authentication, it is mandatory that you add end users in the User Management interface and configure authentication settings. If you  do not opt for user authentication, then you cannot deploy user based policies and all users in the network will be applied network based rules or default rules

iv. Click on 'Save' to apply your changes