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How to configure COM protection in HIPS

Release Time
1138 times
Endpoint manager portal


  • The ‘COM Variables’ tab in ‘System Templates’ lets you view, manage and create COM groups

  • A COM group is a collection of interfaces which you can choose to protect in Endpoint Manager

  • COM groups, including any you create, can be chosen as targets for protection when creating a profile

  • For example, you can choose a COM group for protection when configuring HIPS in a profile

  • The page explains how you can view existing COM groups, create new groups, and bring COM groups under HIPS protection

Step 1: View and Manage COM groups

  • In C1, click ‘Applications’ > ‘Endpoint manager’

  • Click ‘Settings’ > ‘System Templates’ > ‘COM Variables’

  • The variables screen lists all existing COM groups:


  • Predefined groups are marked ‘Default’ and cannot be edited

  • You can, however, create custom groups which consists of interfaces you choose. See next step.

Step 2: Create a custom COM group

  • Open the COM group screen as described in step 1

  • Type a name for your new group in the field provided then click the ‘+’ button

  • The new group will be listed under ‘COM Groups’


Step 3: Add COM interfaces to your new group

  • Open the COM Variables interface (step 1) then create a new custom group (step 2)

  • Expand the group to which you want to add interfaces (click the ‘+’ icon on the left)

  • Define a name for the interface. The example below shows ’\ RPC Control’, which will capture all components that make remote procedure calls

  • Click ‘Add’. The new interface will be listed as a class in your group

  • The controls at the end of the row let you edit or delete the group


Step 4: Protect your new COM group with HIPS

  • In C1, click ‘Applications’ > ‘Endpoint manager’ 

  • Click ‘Configuration Templates’ > ‘Profiles’

  • Open a profile which already has the ‘HIPS’ section

    • … OR click the ‘Add Section’ button to add ‘HIPS’ to a profile

  • Click ‘HIPS’ > ‘Protected Objects’

  • Modify the drop-down menus as follows:

    • Show: COM Interfaces

    • By: Groups list

  • Click the ‘Add COM Group’ button, and select your new group from the list



  • Your group will be added to the list of items protected by HIPS

  • Click ‘Save’ to apply your new settings