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How to configure polling intervals for Windows communication client

Release Time
1361 times

  • The communication client installed on an endpoint periodically contacts Endpoint Manager to provide various updates about the endpoint.

  • Example data sent includes device security configuration, installed applications, CPU usage, operating system changes, patch status and so on.

  • A 'polling interval' is the length of time between each of these updates. You can change the intervals as per your preference.

View and modify polling intervals

  • Login to Comodo One / Dragon

  • Click 'Applications' > 'Endpoint Manager'

  • Click 'Settings' > 'Portal Set-up'

  • Click 'Client Settings' > 'Windows' > 'Communication Client'


  • Click the 'Edit' button

  • Use the sliders to modify the intervals as required:


  • Device dynamical information update

    •  Interval at which the device should send overall status updates to EM.

    • This includes security configuration, OS status, network information, memory status and name of the device.

    • Default = Every 15 minutes.

  • Request device commands

    • Interval at which the device should query EM to collect any new instructions.

    • An example 'command' is an update to the device configuration profile.

    • Default = Every 15 minutes.

  • Sending device online status confirmations

    • Interval at which the device should contact EM to confirm that it is online.

    • EM will change the device status to 'Offline' if it does not receive a confirmation message in the set time.

    • Default = Every 1 minute

  • Click 'Save' to apply any changes you make.