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How to open CCS on a local endpoint

Release Time
2794 times
Xcitium Client Security

There five ways to open Comodo Client Security (CCS) on an endpoint:

Note: The shortcut, tray icon, and widget are only shown if enabled in the ‘UI Settings’ section of the device profile.

See for more details.

Start menu

  • Press the 'Windows' home key

  • Select 'Comodo' > 'Comodo Client Security'



Note - the start menu varies slightly for different Windows versions.

System tray icon

  • Double click the CCS tray icon to open the main interface:


  •  You can also right-click on the tray icon and select 'Open...'.

Desktop shortcut

  • Double-click the desktop shortcut to start Comodo Client Security.


CCS Widget

  • Click the information bar in the widget to start CCS.



Windows Defender

  • Double-click on the Windows Defender icon to open the application


  • Right-click on the tray icon and select 'Open...'.


  • Click the 'Virus & threat protection' tile

  • Click 'Open COMODO Antivirus' to open the Comodo Client Security interface: