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How to view full process tree of a contained application

Release Time
1232 times
Xcitium Client Security

  • The container is a secure, virtual environment which is isolated from the rest of the host.
  • Applications in the container pose no threat to the endpoint as they cannot write to the host system and cannot access other processes.
  • Xcitium Client Security (CCS) will run a file in the container for two reasons:
    • Because it has a trust rating of 'unknown'.  This means it is not yet confirmed as safe to run on the host.
    • Because the file met the conditions of an auto-containment rule which is active on the endpoint.
  • Parent process information is useful for admins who need granular knowledge about the applications on their network.
  • This article explains how to use both the Endpoint Manager and CCS to find the parent process of a contained application.

Use Endpoint Manager to view the parent process tree of a contained application

  • Login to Xcitium
  • Click 'Applications' > 'Endpoint Manager'
  • Click ‘Security Sub-Systems’ > ‘Containment’
  • Select the file whose parent process you want to view
  • Click the ‘File Details’ button:


  • Click the ‘Device List’ tab:


  • Click the name of the file in the ‘Parent Process’ column:


  • The full process tree is shown as follows:


Use CCS to view the parent process tree of a contained application

  • Open Xcitium Client Security (CCS) on the endpoint
  • Click 'Tasks' at the top-left of the home screen
  • Click 'Advanced Tasks' > 'View Logs'


  • Click the 'Show' drop-down at top-left and select 'Containment Events':


The log viewer shows a list of containment events on the endpoints.

  • Date & Time - When the event occurred.
  • Application - The installation path of the application that was run in the container.
  • Rating - The reputation of the contained application.
  • Action - How the application was handled by CCS. This is also the restriction level imposed on the application by the container.
  • Contained by – The CCS service, policy or user that placed the application in the container.
  • Alert - Click 'Related Alert' to view the notification generated by the event.
    • These alerts are only shown to users if 'Do not show privilege elevation alerts' is disabled in 'Settings' > 'Containment' > 'Containment Settings'.
  • Parent Process - The program which spawned the contained process.
    • Click the name of the parent process to view the full process tree:

  • Parent Process ID - The unique identifier that points to the process.
  • Parent process hash - The SHA1 hash value of the program which spawned the contained process.