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Traffic Forwarding: Direct Proxy Configuration

Release Time
4826 times
Xcitium Secure Web Gateway

Direct proxy traffic forwarding is suitable for smaller organizations with fewer endpoints and no other proxy configured on the network. Here are some common methods of configuring a direct proxy


There 3 options are available for direct proxy setting as ; 


  • Setting IP address manually on browser 
  • Setting IP address via PAC file
  • Setting IP address via GPO 


You may forward your internet traffic with using one of the options and following the steps below ; 


A. Setting IP address manually on browser 

You can redirect your traffic by setting up proxy settings from your browser. 


  • Chrome Manual Proxy Configuration
  1. Open Chrome
  2. Open 'Settings', type 'Proxy Settings' in the search bar, then click 'Change Proxy Settings'
  3. Click the 'Connections' tab, and then click 'LAN settings'
  4. Select 'Use a proxy server for your LAN' check box and click 'Advanced'
  5. In the 'HTTP field', enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X> and port number as 19080
  6. In the 'Secure field', enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X> and port number as 19443
  7.  In the 'Exceptions' field enter enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X>
  8. Click 'OK'


  • Internet Explorer Manual Proxy Configuration


  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Open 'Tools' > 'Internet Options', open the 'Connections' tab and click 'LAN settings'
  3. Select 'Use a proxy server for your LAN' check box and click 'Advanced'
  4. In the 'HTTP field', enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X> and port number as 19080
  5. In the 'Secure field', enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X> and port number as 19443
  6.  In the 'Exceptions' field enter enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X>
  7.  Click 'OK'


  • Firefox manual proxy configuration
  1. Open Firefox
  2. Click 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu
  3. Click 'Advanced' on the left
  4. Click 'Network', then 'Settings' (under 'Connection')
  5. Select 'Manual Proxy Configuration'
  6. In the 'HTTP Proxy' field, enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X> and port number as 19080
  7. In the 'SSL Proxy' field, enter Dome IP <X.X..X.X> and port number as 19443
  8. In the 'No Proxy for:' box Dome IP <X.X..X.X>
  9. Click 'OK'


B. Setting IP address via PAC(Proxy Auto Configuration) files 


You can use PAC file which defines how web browsers and other user agents can automatically choose the appropriate proxy server (access method ) for fetching given URL 


You can find PAC file configuration steps for Chrome , IE and Firefox below 


  • Chrome PAC file configuration steps 


  1. Open Chrome
  2.  Open 'Settings', type 'Proxy Settings' in the search bar, then click 'Change Proxy Settings'
  3. Click the 'Connections' tab, and then click 'LAN settings'
  4. Select the 'Use automatic configuration script' check box
  5.  In the Address box, type Dome PAC URL, for example,
  6.  Click 'OK'


  • Internet Explorer PAC file configuration steps


  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Open 'Tools' > 'Internet Options', open the 'Connections' tab and click 'LAN settings'
  3. Select the 'Use automatic configuration script' check box
  4. In the Address box, type Dome PAC URL, for example ,
  5. Click 'OK'


  • Firefox PAC file configuration steps 


  1. Click 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu
  2. Click 'Advanced' on the left
  3. Click 'Network', then 'Settings' (under 'Connection')
  4. Select the 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' radio button
  5. In the 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' field, type Dome PAC URL, for example,
  6. Click 'OK'


C. Setting IP address via Windows GPO 

Group Policy Objects (GPOs) are used for publishing settings to multiple endpoints based on Group, Domain or Organization within Active Directory. This helps networks with Active Directory to set proxies faster and easier over a
Windows Server.

Note: It may take a while for all computers to receive the rule and may require a restart.


Please follow the steps below to set Dome SWG IP address as proxy via Windows GPO 


  • Step 1 - Create a New Group Policy Object
  1.  Log on to your Windows Server in the domain then click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > ActiveDirectory Users & Computers
  2. Right click on the domain or Organizational Unit where the Group Policy should be applied
  3. Select “Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here...”
  4. Create a new GPO (e.g. Xcitium Dome Web Security)
  5. Click 'OK'
  • Step 2 - Set proxies in endpoint browsers using the created GPO
    • ​For Internet Explorer 
  1. Edit the GPO for Dome PAC File
  2. Right click on the new GPO and Select 'Edit'.
  3. In the Group Policy window, click User Configuration > Windows Settings > Internet Explorer Maintenance> Connection > Click on Automatic Browser Configuration
  4.  On the Automatic Configuration tab, select 'Automatically detect configuration settings and EnableAutomatic Configuration'
  5. Enter a time interval in the 'Automatically configure every' check box.
  6. Enter the following Xcitium Dome PAC URL, for example, https://dome.
  7. Click OK
  • For Chrome & Firefox 
  1. Edit the GPO for Dome PAC File
  2.  Right click on the new GPO and Select 'Edit'.
  3. Select Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates
  4. Choose 'Add Template', click 'Add' and open firefoxlock.adm for Firefox or chrome.adml for Chrome.
  5. Refresh the window and go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates and double-click thebrowser related selection for editing.
  6. Open 'Proxy Settings'.
  7. Select 'Automatic Proxy Configuration option' and paste Dome PAC URL, for example
  8. 7. Click 'OK'