This method is suitable for larger organizations with multiple networks that want to direct web traffic through Dome Standard. As the name implies, proxy chaining is used for “chaining” multiple forward proxies to obtain the benefits of
each. Xcitium Dome is designed to be placed as the “Upstream Proxy” to other web gateways such as Websense, Bluecoat, iboss and so on.
The following examples use a Bluecoat Proxy SG and Xcitium Dome integration scenario, where Bluecoat is downstream and Dome is the upstream proxy.
A. Bluecoat Configuration
1. Basic Chaining
Bluecoat > Dome
In this scenario, Bluecoat Proxy SG is forwarding requests to Dome but performing no authentication. Dome can be
set to do Active Directory authentication.
Use the Blue Coat Management console to forward requests to the Dome as following:
2. X-Authenticated-For Chaining
In this scenario, Bluecoat will be configured to pass X-Authenticated-User headers to Dome Proxy and Bluecoat will
be doing user authentication as the downstream proxy.
Editing Bluecoat local policy file:
action.Add[header name for authenticated user](yes)
define action dd[header name for authenticated user]
set(request.x_header.X-Authenticated-User, "WinNT://$(user.domain)/$(")
end action Add[header name for authenticated user]
Or use the Visual Policy Manager
After connecting your network(s), make sure to add them as a 'Trusted Network' in the 'Locations' interface. If you do
not then Dome will not function correctly and your network will not be able to connect to the internet. Refer to
'Managing Trusted Networks' for more details.
Please contact us at if you have any issues connecting endpoints / networks to
Dome Standard