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How to configure antivirus settings on Linux profile

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1581 times


  • Linux profiles let you configure virus scans and general settings of Xcitium Client Security (CCS) on managed devices.
  • This tutorial explains how configure the real-time virus monitor, on-demand scans, custom scans and scheduled scans.

Process in brief

  • Log into ITarian then click ‘Applications’ > ‘Endpoint Manager’.
  • Click 'Configuration Templates' > 'Profiles'
  • Click on the name of an existing Linux OS profile
    • You cannot modify the Xcitium-supplied 'Linux – Security Level 1' profile
    • If you haven't created any other profiles yet, you can make one from scratch or clone then edit an existing profile
    • Click here for help to clone then edit a Linux profile 
  • In the profile details screen:
    • Click 'Add Profile Section' then 'Antivirus' (if you haven't yet added the AV section)
  • OR
    • Open the 'Antivirus' tab if it was already added.


  • The section has three tabs:
    • Scanner Settings - Configure the antivirus scanners:
      • Real time Scans – Configure the background virus monitor
      • Manual Scans – Configure on-demand virus scans
      • Scheduled Scans – Configure settings that will apply to all scheduled scans
    • Scan Profiles - Choose specific folders, drives or areas to scan. The profile can then be used in a scheduled or on-demand scan.
    • Scheduled Scans Set up recurring scans to run at regular intervals.
  • Click 'Save'

Process in detail

  • Login to Endpoint Manager > Click 'Configuration Templates' > 'Profiles'
  • Click on the name of the Linux profile you want to configure
    • Click here if you need help to create a new profile 


  • In the profile details screen:
    • Click 'Add Profile Section' then 'Antivirus' (if you haven't yet added the AV section)
  • (OR)
    • Open the 'Antivirus' tab if it was already added.

The 'Antivirus' section has three tabs:

  • Scanner Settings - Configure settings that will apply to future real-time/manual/scheduled scans, and to exclusions.
  • Scan Profiles - Scan profiles let you define specific folders, drives or areas to scan. Once created, you can apply a scan profile to scheduled scans. This area lists all existing profiles and lets you create new profiles.
  • Scheduled Scans - Timetable scans to run on managed devices according to a chosen scan profile.



Scanner Settings

  • Real time Scan: Any file opened on the device is scanned before it is run. Threats are detected before they get a chance to execute.

  • Click here for help with all the settings in this area .

  • Manual scan: A manual scan is one that you run 'on-demand' on a file, folder or drive of your choice

  •  Click here for help with all the settings in this area.


  • Scheduled scan: A scheduled scan is one that runs automatically at regular intervals

    • Click here for help with all the settings in this area.


  • Exclusions: Exclusions are items that you want to the AV scanner to skip during a realtime, manual or scheduled scan.

  • Click here for help with all the settings in this area.





Scan profiles

  • Each scan profile contains a list of items that you want to scan
  • CCS ships with two default profiles – 'My Computer' and 'Critical Areas'
  • You can also create custom profiles which consist of specific items
  • Once saved, you can add a profile any scheduled scan that you create

To create a scan profile:

  • Log into ITarian then click ‘Applications’ > ‘Endpoint Manager’.
  • Click 'Configuration Templates' > 'Profiles'
  • Open the profile you want to configure
  • Click the 'Antivirus' tab
  • Click 'Scan Profiles' > 'Add Scan Profile':

  • Enter a label for the scan profile
  • Click 'Add Path' to add the location you want to scan. This can be a directory, drive, file or area
  • Click 'Add Path' to save the location
  • Repeat the process to add more paths
  • Click 'Ok'

The profile will be added to the list and can be selected as part of a scheduled scan.

Scheduled Scans

  • Scheduled scans run at a time and date set by you
  • You choose the timing of the schedule and pick the profile you want to use
    • The scan profile determines which items are scanned
    • Click here if you want to learn more about scan profiles

To create a scheduled scan:

  • Click 'Configuration Templates' > 'Profiles'
  • Click 'Profiles' > open the profile you want to configure
  • Click the 'Antivirus' tab
  • Click 'Scheduled Scan' > 'Add Scheduled Scan':


  • Type label for the scan. For example, 'Daily scan of entire drive'.
  • Choose the profile that will be used in the scheduled scan.
    • The scan profile determines which items are scanned
    • Click here if you want to learn more about scan profiles
  • Choose the time and days of the week on which you want the scan to run.
  • Click 'OK'. The schedule will run on all devices which use this profile