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How to view the Valkyrie report on files which caused a security event

Release Time
2268 times

  • The security dashboard is a list of all security events on managed Windows endpoints. An event is created when a security module takes an action on a file. For example, the antivirus module blocks a suspicious file, or the containment module runs an unknown file in the container.
  • The dashboard lets you view events by event date, by file name, or by device. You can also view a Valkyrie report on the file featured in the event. 
  • Valkyrie is a file analysis service that tests files with a range of static and behavioral checks. The service helps Comodo establish whether an unknown file is malicious or safe.
  • This article explains how to view Valkyrie reports on files which created a security event.

Open the security dashboard

  • Open Endpoint Manager
  • Click ‘Security Sub-Systems’ > ‘Security Dashboards’
  • You can view events by event time, by file name, or by device:


  • Select the event which interests you
  • Click the ‘Check Valkyrie Details’ button
  • The Valkyrie analysis opens in a new page. The page contains the results of each test, and a trust verdict from each test.


  • You can also download a pdf version of the report by clicking the ‘Download Valkyrie Report’ button: