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How to view and manage unprocessed malware on your endpoints

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2834 times
Security Sub-System

Open Endpoint Manager > Click 'Security Sub-Systems' > 'Antivirus' > 'Current Malware List' tab

  • The 'Current Malware List' shows malicious items which have been blocked, but are still resident on the target device.
  • You can use this interface to clean (delete), ignore, or quarantine the items.
  • You can also assign a 'Trusted' rating to a file. Use this option if you think the item is a false positive. It will not be flagged by future scans.

Background – How do files get on this list?

Overview of the current malware list area

Take actions on files in the list

Background - How do files get on this list?

  • A file arrives on this list if the security client blocked the malware from running, but it was neither quarantined nor deleted.
  • This can happen because of settings in the ‘Antivirus’ section the device profile, or because of a user’s response to an alert.
  • The following explains the profile settings and conditions for a file to appear in the ‘Current Malware List’

Windows devices

...or 'Show antivirus alerts' is enabled, and the end-user blocked the threat at the alert.

MAC devices - 'Automatically Quarantine' is disabled in the profile on the device.

Linux devices - 'Automatically Quarantine' is disabled in the profile on the device.

Android devices -Automatically uninstall’ is not enabled in the profile on the device.

Overview of the current malware list area

  • Log into  Xcitium
  • Click ‘Applications’ > ‘Endpoint Manager’
  • Click 'Security Sub-Systems' > ‘Antivirus'
  • Click the 'Current Malware List' tab:

Each row shows a piece of malware on a specific device. The same file might be present on multiple devices.

Information about each file includes:

  • The name and operating system of the device on which it was found.
  • The location, name, and signature of the malware.
  • The date it was detected.

Take actions on files in the list

The controls above the list let you take various actions on selected files:

  • Delete Malware - Removes the file from the device.
  • Ignore Malware - The item is allowed to remain on the device. This action only applies to Android devices.
  • Quarantine Malware - Moves the file to quarantine on the device. Files in quarantine cannot execute. You can review these files in the ‘Quarantined Files’ tab.
  • Rate as Trusted - The file is allowed to run on the device and will not be flagged as malware in future scans. Use this action only if you think the file is a false positive. You can read more about the file rating system in this wiki.
  • Export - Export the current malware list to a .csv file.

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